Here’s another installment in our series spotlighting the dedicated affiliate staff who tirelessly work behind the scenes to support our mission to welcome. Staff are nominated by colleagues who wish to recognize their hard work and dedication.

Jennifer Brown has been with the Refugee Resettlement Office of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia for three years, and for two years has served as Preferred Communities (PC) Supervisor and Capacity Developer. Here’s what her colleagues had to say:

“From the time Jennifer took on this role, our team has received great support from her in every respect. She is a skilled communicator, positive, knowledgeable, and easy to approach. She is helpful with the challenging issues we face daily while serving our clients. Jennifer goes above and beyond to support members of the PC team.”

“Jennifer has been an exceptional supervisor. She is experienced at managing the team and provides timely and useful support. Jennifer is very kind, patient, and energetic. She has brought much positive change to the program during her three years of work at the Refugee Resettlement Office.

In addition, Jennifer has strong connections with many community resources. She has responded to our clients’ financial needs using available resources and even found funds to pay for a family’s rent and utilities. Jennifer is empathetic and always ready to assist needy families. One example is an Afghan family, where the wife lost her husband in a tragic accident, leaving her responsible for five kids. The family still appreciates the support they got from Jennifer, especially the mother who is now able to care for her kids independently.”

“The PC team is very pleased to have Jennifer as our supervisor. She is wonderful to work with, and thanks to her support we are able to better serve our clients.”

Thank you, Jennifer, for your superb leadership and support of your colleagues and clients.

Learn more about the Refugee Resettlement Office at the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia and their vital work here.