
7/11/19, Tampa Bay Times: Syrian refugees in Tampa combine cooking their skills to become financially self-sufficient

7/11/19, Fresh Air: Reporter Who Helped Expose Conditions At The Border Says Little Has Changed (audio with transcript)

7/11/19, CNN: Trump backs away from census citizenship question, direct agencies to hand over citizenship information to Commerce

7/10/19, USA Today: Climate refugee crises are happening right now. Here’s how you can help

7/10/19, NPR: California Is 1st State To Offer Health Benefits To Adult Undocumented Immigrants

7/10/19, New York Times Magazine: A Crime Scene at the Border

“Brutal images easily elicit sympathy. But as Susan Sontag noted in “Regarding the Pain of Others,” “Our sympathy proclaims our innocence as well as our impotence.” It is true that a very few images of suffering have catalyzed changes in policy. But it is equally true that terrible images are published all the time, thousands of them each year, and a vast majority change policy not one iota. There have been truly astonishing (and sickening) photos from Gaza, Lampedusa, Yemen, Kashmir. But governments, in spite of an abundance of memorable photographs, regularly fail to honor the legitimate claims made before them by persons seeking safety and dignity.

Perhaps too much is made of individual photographs. What if we had, for each incident, not one photograph, but a hundred? What if we had photographs taken across the span of time showing not just what happened in Matamoros in June 2019 but what led to it? Would we be able to hold on to our innocence?

What sort of person needs to see such photographs in order to know what they should already know?”

7/9/19, NBC News: Migrant kids in overcrowded Arizona border station allege sex assault, retaliation from U.S. agents

7/9/19, Immigration Impact: A New EOIR Rule Expands Powers of the Board of Immigration Appeals and Attorney General

7/9/19, CBS News: “We are all scared”: Trump’s threats of ICE raids keep immigrants on edge (autoplay video)

7/8/19, Los Angeles Times: SunTrust to stop financing private prisons and immigrant-detention centers

7/8/19, ENS: Bishops of all six Episcopal dioceses in Texas issue a joint statement decrying the inhumane conditions at our country’s borders

7/8/19, Los Angeles Times: Facing Trump’s asylum limits, refugees from as far as Africa languish in a Mexican camp

7/8/19, New York Times: Hungry, Scared and Sick: Inside the Migrant Detention Center in Clint, Tex.

7/8/19, Los Angeles Times: Why are migrants getting sick or dying on the border?

7/7/19, New York Times: ICE Used Facial Recognition to Mine State Driver’s License Databases


7/11/19, Washington Post: Nadine Burke Harris: The toxic stress of detention can dramatically alter kids’ lives

7/5/19, The Guardian: Caging people to dominate them is a sign of weakness, not power

“So what is it about this proliferation of cages and the process of caging in inter-human relations today, such as the rise in incarceration, the caging of refugees, building walls to mark borders, gated communities and so on? If invisible domination is a sign of strength, is this proliferation of visible cages a sign of weakness? A sign that the invisible modes of domination that kept the dominant in power and made the dominated “know their place” are no longer working? That the dominant have lost all legitimacy, and need more and more hands-on modes of control to maintain their rule? If so, this can only be a hopeful sign of the decline of the powerful.”


7/11/19, Human Rights Watch: Written Testimony: “Kids in Cages: Inhumane Treatment at the Border”

Testimony of Clara Long Before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, July 11, 2019

7/9/19, Migration Policy Institute: Beyond Walls and Tariffs: Responding to Migration Challenges at the U.S.-Mexico Border

This event features a smart conversation by a range of experts on U.S.-Mexico border conditions, looking at policy responses by both countries and regional cooperation. At a time of heightened political polarization, speakers also explored how the U.S. government might adequately address the complex challenge of illegal immigration with practical policies and discussed the possibility of bipartisan action.