

Follow our latest updates and reflections!

EMM Affiliate Staff Spotlight

Here's another installment in our series spotlighting the dedicated affiliate staff who tirelessly work behind the scenes to support our mission to welcome. Staff are nominated by colleagues who wish to recognize their hard work [...]

EMM’s Proud Summer

EMM’s Rainbow Initiative is finishing its second fiery – you could say “flaming” – summer. With our partners including 29 Rainbow Initiative Congregations/Communities (RICs), we have: Elevated awareness about LGBTQ+ forced migrants through Pride and [...]

Global Refugee Forum 2023

The 2023 Global Refugee Forum, a meeting of states and stakeholders from around the world to act in support of forcibly displaced people, is taking place December 13-15 in Geneva, Switzerland. Following the initial [...]

The Great EpisGopal Race

The United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries are teaming up to bring you the 4th Annual Great EpisGOpal Race! Grab your sneakers, skates, or fins and join together in gratitude to race your way Nov. 20-28. [...]

Fearless love

Recognition of the unique vulnerabilities of LGBTQIA+ refugees and asylum seekers is growing, thanks to organizations who, like EMM through our Rainbow Initiative, have chosen to uplift this population during this year’s Pride Month and [...]

Celebrate Juneteenth!

On June 19, we mark Juneteenth, which commemorates the date in 1865 when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, to ensure that all enslaved people in the state were freed. While Juneteenth celebrations began in [...]

Rainbow Initiative Events

We are thrilled to announce several events being hosted by our Rainbow Initiative Communities. Find a Rainbow Initiative event. Learn more about the Rainbow Initiative. ------------- Episcopal Migration Ministries is a ministry of The Episcopal [...]

The Rainbow Initiative

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) is excited to announce The Rainbow Initiative, a 2023 project focused on working with Episcopal congregations to bring visibility and aid to LGBTQ+ forced migrants. Participation is also encouraged in an [...]

January 2023 Anglican Commentary: Martin Dickinson

*This is a repost of a reflection from Martin Dickinson on Virginia Theological Seminary's Anglican Commentary. Martin Dickinson (right) Rev. David Chavez (left) and Sister Angelica Bacias Mejia (center) at La Casa de Misericordia, [...]

Episcopal Migration Ministries welcomes new director

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) is pleased to announce the hire of Sarah Shipman as its new director, beginning Aug. 1. Shipman—who served most recently as deputy attorney general for Kansas—will oversee EMM’s operations as an [...]

EMM 2021 Annual Report

In 2021, EMM celebrated the resettlement of 100,000 individuals since the ministry’s inception as a resettlement organization in the 1980s. We could not have done this without the support, generosity, dedication, and spiritual gifts [...]

The Crisis in Ukraine

“ We pray for peace. … We pray for a just peace. We pray that the lives of innocents and the lives of any human child of God will be spared. We pray that our [...]

Hometown Season 6 Episode 2 – Sponsoring Welcome: A Conversation About Neighbor to Neighbor & Community Sponsorship with Fr. Chris McNabb

EMMRefugees · Sponsoring Welcome: A Conversation About Neighbor to Neighbor & Community Sponsorship Today's episode features a conversation with Fr. Chris McNabb, the Program Manager of EMM's new Neighbor to Neighbor program initiative, to discuss [...]

Virtual Borderlands Experience

The Lenten Virtual Borderlands Experience (VBE) series is designed to expose participants to the border crossing experiences of immigrants, including their perilous journey towards the border, their interaction with detention centers, and the work of churches [...]

Hometown Season 6 Trailer

EMMRefugees · Season 6 Trailer Join us this spring and summer for Season 6 of HomeTown, where we zoom in on EMM's newest ministry of welcome program, called Neighbor to Neighbor. We'll hear the [...]

EMM Statement Commending Passage of the Continuing Resolution

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) commends the passage of a FY22 Continuing Resolution (CR) and resettlement benefits for Afghans.  This legislation includes $1.68 billion for Afghans arriving with humanitarian parole, $2.5 billion for unaccompanied children, an [...]

Neighbors Welcome: Updates & Action

Join Episcopal Migration Ministries and The Episcopal Church's Office of Government Relations (OGR) on September 27 at 12pm ET for an update on Afghan evacuations, arrivals, and ways you can take action to welcome your [...]

A Light in the Darkness

This story is the second part of a two-part series from Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston, one of EMM’s 12 affiliate partners. Read part one here. Below is an interview with Tehmina, Volunteer & Community [...]

Blessed By Giving

Members of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Middleburg, Virginia, found a way to contribute to the ministry of Episcopal Migration Ministries by recognizing the individual blessings in their lives. During the season of Lent and Easter, [...]

“El Chiqui”

*** Update to the original story: After spending over a year and a half in ICE Immigration Detention, “El Chiqui” was removed (deported) back to Cuba in January 2021. My friend “El Chiqui” by Bill [...]

April 4: Easter

Isaiah 58:9 “You shall cry for help, and God will say, “Here I am.” Reflection by The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate, The Episcopal Church   Throughout this Lenten season, we [...]

April 3

Isaiah 58:12 Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live. Reflection by The [...]

April 2

Isaiah 58:12 the restorer of streets to live Reflection by Andrea Rudnik For the last 20 months, asylum-seeking people have been living in a squalid refugee camp on the banks of the Rio Grande River. [...]

April 1

Isaiah 58:12 you shall be called the repairer of the breach Reflection by The Rev. Will Wauters Having failed twice at being a knight in wars, the young Francis of Assisi was at a desperate [...]

March 31

Isaiah 58:12 you shall be called the repairer of the breach Reflection by The Rev. Arnoldo L. Romero Last Fall, I got in touch with the Diocese of West Texas Coordinator for Immigration and Refugee [...]

March 30

Isaiah 58:12 you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; Reflection by Allie Melancon In the verse for today, we hear the promise that God makes to God’s people: the promise of a restored [...]

March 29

Isaiah 58:12 Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt Reflection by The Rev. Joshua Molnar I read Isaiah 58 when I proposed to my wife in a beautiful house on a mountain overlooking a valley in [...]

March 28

Isaiah 58:12 Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, you shall be called the repairer of the breach, [...]

March 27

Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters [...]

March 26

Isaiah 58:11 like a spring of water Reflection by Rushad Thomas Reading this scripture immediately reminded me of the loving souls who venture out into the southwestern desert to leave food and water jugs for [...]

March 25

Isaiah 58:11 and you shall be like a watered graden... Reflection by Joy Owensby Rain restores the earth after a drought. The barren, sun-baked soil once again sustains growth. Isaiah uses the image of a [...]

March 24

Isaiah 58:11 and make your bones strong... Reflection by Br. Chris McNabb The church where I serve as Priest in Charge has a 10,000 square foot garden that feeds the hungry in our community. We [...]

March 23

Isaiah 58:11 and satisfy your needs in parched places... Reflection by Dea Podhajsky I live in a parched place. Yet when I read the words “and satisfy your needs in parched places,” the image that [...]

March 22

Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually... Reflection by Tatiana Hoecker In this passage, God is offering us an abundance of support. The verse goes on with beautiful words of encouragement: “…make your bones [...]

March 21

Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters [...]

March 20

Isaiah 58:10 if you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness and your gloom be like the noonday. Reflection by The [...]

March 19

Isaiah 58:10 Meditation/Prayer by Ana Reza Let’s center ourselves. Be present to the moment. Let go of the day so far... of the worries and allow a space to be with God. Relax your body. [...]

March 18

Isaiah 58:10 and your gloom be like noonday... Reflection by Br. Angel Gabriel Roque, BSG Daily when we open our eyes, we are not completely sure how the day or night will be, and that [...]

March 17

Isaiah 58:10 then your light shall rise in the darkness... Reflection by Dr. Marta Gallegos First, I am very thankful for all the ministries around the world that are present to help the hungry, the [...]

March 16

Isaiah 58:10 and satisfy the needs of the afflicted... Reflection by The Rev’d Dr. Chloe Tischler Chavez Faith embodies the actions of those who have ordered their lives around their hope in God. This perfectly [...]

March 15

Isaiah 58:10 if you offer your food to the hungry... Reflections by Rev. Diana Linden-Johnson Before the pandemic, members of Peace Lutheran Church would gather on one night during the month of Ramadan with men, [...]

March 15 “If you offer your food to the hungry”

Isaiah 58:10 if you offer your food to the hungry... Reflections by Rev. Diana Linden-Johnson Before the pandemic, members of Peace Lutheran Church would gather on one night during the month of Ramadan with men, [...]

March 14

Isaiah 58:10 if you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness and your gloom be like the noonday. Reflection by The [...]

March 13

Isaiah 58:9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here I am. If you remove the yoke from among you, the pointing of the [...]

March 12

Isaiah 58:9 the speaking of evil... Reflections this week are by Michelina Nicotera-Taxiera Picture crossing the desert carrying your children and all that you own. I live in Tucson, AZ and this image is not [...]

March 11

Isaiah 58:9 The pointing of the finger... Reflections this week are by Michelina Nicotera-Taxiera We have all experienced shame when someone points a finger at us. The gesture comes from a place of power and [...]

March 10

Isaiah 58:9 If you remove the yoke from among you... Reflections this week are by Michelina Nicotera-Taxiera The Webster definition of a Yoke is “a wooden cross piece that is fastened over the necks of [...]

March 9

Isaiah 58:9 you will cry for help, and he will say “Here I am".. Reflections this week are by Michelina Nicotera-Taxiera Before Jesus died on the cross He cried out to the Father asking, “Why [...]

March 8

Isaiah 58:9 you will call, and the LORD will answer... Reflections this week are by Michelina Nicotera-Taxiera Isaiah is preaching to a people who knew what it felt like to be displaced from their homes. [...]

March 7

Isaiah 58:9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here I am. If you remove the yoke from among you, the pointing of the [...]

March 6

Isaiah 58:8 Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly;your vindicator shall go before you, the glory of the Lord shall be your rearguard. Reflections this week are by [...]

March 5

Isaiah 58:8 the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard... Reflections this week are by The Rev. Michael Wallens We may be able to defend ourselves from those things that come at us [...]

March 4

Isaiah 58:8 your God will walk before you... Reflections this week are by The Rev. Michael Wallens Living along the border provides me with two views of the Wilderness. One is an idealized vision of [...]

March 3

Isaiah 58:8 your healing shall spring up quickly... Healing Humanity by Natalie Patterson, used with permission Life is complex You should know that upfront. There will be tears and hurt and joy and pain So [...]

March 3: Healing Humanity

Isaiah 58:8 your healing shall spring up quickly... Healing Humanity by Natalie Patterson, used with permission Life is complex You should know that upfront. There will be tears and hurt and joy and pain So [...]

March 2

Isaiah 58:8 your light will burst forth like the morning... Reflections this week are by The Rev. Michael Wallens Why does Isaiah say that God's light will break forth like the dawn? Well, there is [...]

March 1

Isaiah 58:8 Then ... Reflections this week are by The Rev. Michael Wallens It is clear that the salvation God promises is conditioned upon the people’s response. In the verses prior to verse 8 of [...]

February 28

Isaiah 58:8 Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly;your vindicator shall go before you, the glory of the Lord shall be your rearguard. Reflections this week are by [...]

February 27

Isaiah 58:7  Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them,  and not to hide yourself from your own kin? [...]

February 26

Isaiah 58:7  and not to hide yourself from your own kin?... Reflection by The Rev. Miriam Saxon The 58th chapter of Isaiah teaches us what God requires of us, of all of humanity and all [...]

February 25

Isaiah 58:7  when you see the naked, to cover them... Reflection by The Rev. Michelle Boomgaard My seminary was really a series of buildings, connected by long halls, with the chapel right in the middle [...]

February 24

Isaiah 58:7  and bring the homeless poor into your house... Reflection by Lynn Clarke I’ll never forget the unbridled joy on the faces of the children as they raced into their new apartment. Their arms [...]

February 23

Isaiah 58:7  with the hungry... Reflection by Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball The difference between false and true worship and the purpose of fasting is the context for the question posed in Isaiah 58:7. The question [...]

February 22

Isaiah 58:7  to share your bread... Reflection by The Rt. Rev. W. Michie Klusmeyer  Previously, in the Chapter of Isaiah, the prophet recognizes what the ‘faithful’ are doing, and he calls them on it.   During [...]

February 21

Isaiah 58:7  Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them,  and not to hide yourself from your own kin? [...]

February 20

Isaiah 58:6 Is not this the fast that I choose:     to loose the bonds of injustice,     to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free,     and to break every yoke? Reflection [...]

February 19

Isaiah 58:6 Is not this the fast that I choose... to break every yoke? Reflection by Connor Travis When we fast - or perhaps more simply, when we pray - do we position ourselves to [...]

February 18

Isaiah 58:6 Is not this the fast that I choose:     to loose the bonds of injustice... "Leopard and its Cub," Reflection by Chol Majok The Dinka Tribe has a saying: “a leopard's cub is a [...]

Ash Wednesday

Isaiah 58:6 Is not this the fast that I choose:     to loose the bonds of injustice,     to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free,     and to break every yoke? Reflection [...]

Our Journey through Lent

Isaiah 58:6-12 Is not this the fast that I choose...? A Welcome Reflection by Allison Duvall   Dear friends, Thank you for your interest in being part of Episcopal Migration Ministries’ journey through the Lenten [...]

EMM Statement on Executive Order – February 5, 2021

Episcopal Migration Ministries welcomes the administration’s commitment to restore the historic U.S. refugee resettlement program, allowing for a refugee admissions ceiling of 125,000 in the first full fiscal year of the Biden administration. Yesterday’s actions [...]

EMM Statement on Executive Orders – February 3, 2021

Episcopal Migration Ministries commends the administration’s executive orders to restore the U.S. asylum system, reunify families, address root causes of forced migration, and promote integration of New Americans. “At this critical point in time, when [...]


Statements and Resources from The Episcopal Church Action Alert: Tell the Senate to continue to address COVID-19 May 11, 2020: The Dangers of Detention During COVID-19 April 24, 2020: Statement on President Trump’s Recent Immigration [...]

Welcome Home

By Betty Ann (BA) Miskowiec, Executive Director West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry “Welcome Home.” Two of the most beautiful words ever. “Welcome home” means You are accepted here. You belong. You are safe. You are [...]

Bound Together in Love

Reflection by The Rev. Deacon Caitlyn Darnell, Director of Formation & Mission, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Columbia, SC Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, [...]

The Dangers of Detention During COVID-19

Originally posted on The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations blog by Rushad Thomas The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (commonly known as coronavirus) presents a host of challenges to our immigration system. The Episcopal Church was no [...]

Virtual Book Club Kits

Today's episode features an introduction to EMM's new Partners in Welcome virtual book club discussion kits. This new resource includes: Instructions on how to hold a virtual book club Book recommendations with book and author [...]

Refugees and COVID-19

Originally posted on The Episcopal Church's Office of Government Relations blog: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (commonly known as coronavirus) has upended life for hundreds of millions of Americans. The country now confronts a massive public health [...]

Episcopal DACA Action Day | April 2020

Webinar: Episcopal DACA Action Day Thursday, April 16, 12-2PM ET The Episcopal Church has long recognized the incredible contributions to our Church and communities by undocumented young people. Yet these valuable members of our society [...]

Easter is a time of hope.

Reflection by Asher Imtiaz Easter is a time of hope. Being involved in outreach to Internationals and collecting stories of immigrants, I have had the privilege of listening to countless first-hand accounts of people fleeing [...]

el Vía Crucis

https://soundcloud.com/emmrefugees/el-via-crucis In English below: Este podcast es el audio que acompaña las Reflexiones sobre el Vía Crucis. Lo invitamos a rezar con nosotros la liturgia el Vía Crucis. Para complementar su experiencia de este podcast, [...]

Holy Welcome and Advocacy

A reflection from The Rev. Canon Anna Carmichael, Ph.D. The question is often asked of those who enter the US illegally, “why don’t they just follow ‘the rules’ if they want to come in.”  As [...]

EMM Immigration Policy Update | January 2020

Immigration Policy Update Webinar - January 28, 4PM EST Migration policy is a fast-moving issue space, with new developments breaking all the time. Join Rushad Thomas, migration policy advisor in The Episcopal Church's Office of [...]

Welcome to Season Three!

Today's episode features an introduction to what listeners can expect in Season 3 of Hometown. We have a busy schedule of webinars, workshops, resources, and educational offerings. Be sure to sign up to be a [...]

Partners in Welcome Book Club Virtual Discussion

Join us for our first Book Club meeting of 2020! We will discuss Wendy Pearlman's book We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled: Voices from Syria on January 16th, 4-5pm Eastern. Register for the virtual discussion [...]

U.S. Immigration Basics

This episode features audio from a recent webinar EMM hosted called U.S. Immigration Basics. Our webinar host is Alyson Ball, a member of EMM’s Partners in Welcome community who graciously offered to share a virtual [...]

Take Your Faith On The Road

Bill Robison, a supporter of Episcopal Migration Ministries, has organized a fundraiser to support our ministry. The cycling jerseys feature The Episcopal Church and Episcopal Migration Ministries logos. The jersey is available in Spanish. 10% [...]

Refugee Program Update

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries, the refugee resettlement and welcome ministry of the Episcopal Church. This episode features an update from Rushad Thomas, policy advisor in The Episcopal Church's Office of Government [...]

Faith Leader Calls for Refugee Welcome

This letter was drafted by Anne Derse, an Episcopal deacon, partner to Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA), and Love God, Love Neighbor alumni. As a faith leader and former career diplomat [...]

EMM-EPPN Refugee Program Update | September 2019

Join Episcopal Migration Ministries and The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations on Monday, September 30 at 4PM EST for an update on the U.S. refugee admissions program, ways you can take action, and how [...]

Partners in Welcome Book Club Virtual Discussion

Join us for the Partners in Welcome Book Club, where we read and discuss books that help inform the work of welcome. This quarter’s pick is The Ungrateful Refugee: What Immigrants Never Tell You by Dina [...]

Public Charge Rule – What You Need To Know

Prepared by Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign staff What is public charge? “Public charge” or the “public charge test” is used by immigration officials to decide whether a person can enter the U.S. or get lawful [...]

U.S. Immigration: The Basics | July 2019

Sep 19, 2019 01:00 PM Eastern “U.S. Immigration – The Basics” is a 50-minute overview of U.S. Immigration history, laws, and system. Whether you’re working with refugees, immigrants, the unauthorized, or you’re a curious citizen [...]

Intro to Partners in Welcome

Intro to Partners in Welcome July 23 @ 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm This webinar is for new and prospective members of EMM’s Partners in Welcome ministry network and online learning community. We’ll share with you the [...]

Walk in Love: Border Tour

Allison and Kendall recently had the opportunity to join the Diocese of West Texas for their Walk in Love Border Tour. The “Walk in Love” border tour highlighted some of the Episcopal ministries and humanitarian [...]

Advocacy Days 2019

"Advocacy Days 2019" features interviews from Refugee Council USA Advocacy Days on the Hill in Washington, DC. Kendall and Allison are joined by more than 250 other advocates - former refugees, members of the community [...]

Asylum Hotline

Season 2, Episode 5 features an interview with Bethany Showalter, the Special Programs Manager with the CWS Immigration and Refugee Program. She has worked in refugee resettlement in CWS affiliate offices for the past ten [...]

The Arc of Flight to Safety

A reflection by Richard Mammana, Associate for Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, The Episcopal Church One branch of my mother’s family came to Pennsylvania as religious refugees in 1737, following the suicide of their husband and [...]

Pilgrimage of Hope

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries, the refugee resettlement and welcome ministry of the Episcopal Church. This episode's interview features The Rt. Rev’d David C Rice, diocesan bishop, and Tom Hampson, both from [...]

Stand with Constantin

St. Luke's Episcopal Church North Park, in San Diego, CA, a member of EMM's Partners in Welcome, is asking for your support of Episcopalian and St. Luke's member, Constantin Bakala, who is an asylum-seeker. When [...]

The One Journey Movement

The second episode of season two of Hometown features an interview with Wendy Chan and Vanda Berninger, cochairs for the One Journey Festival in Washington, DC. The mission of the One Journey Festival is to [...]

12/18/18 Partners in Welcome: Join Us On The Way

This is the third in our three-part Walking in Welcome Advent series. The program was released as a webinar in addition to this podcast episode. Webinar Recording: vimeo.com/307124206 Stay in Touch and Connect with Partners [...]

God of the taxi cabs

By: Allison Duvall, Manager for Church Relations and Engagement I regularly find God in taxi cabs. Whenever I travel for work, usually to a large city, landing late at night at an unfamiliar airport, I [...]

Vote Faithfully

Today on Hometown, Kendall and Allison speak with colleagues Alan Yarborough, from The Episcopal Church's Office of Government Relations, and Ashley Coleman, from New American Pathways in Atlanta, about civic engagement, voter registration, and non-partisan [...]

#Pray4Refugees: Day Five

Thank you for joining us this week to #Pray4Refugees. It's more important than ever that we join together and reach out in support of refugee resettlement. Take action at advocacy.episcopalchurch.org. Make a donation to support [...]

#Pray4Refugees – Day 4

Listen to today’s episode – and pray with us. Pray, then act. Visit @theeppn on social media or advocacy.episcopalchurch.org to take action. Repost and share from our social media feeds. On Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, [...]

#Pray4Refugees: Day 3

Listen to today’s episode – and pray with us. Pray, then act. Visit @theeppn on social media or advocacy.episcopalchurch.org to take action. Repost and share from our social media feeds. On Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, [...]

#Pray4Refugees: Day 2

Listen to today’s episode - and pray with us. Pray, then act. Visit @theeppn on social media or http://advocacy.episcopalchurch.org to take action. Repost and share from our social media feeds. On Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, [...]

#Pray4Refugees: Day 1

Today we begin a week-long vigil of prayer for refugees. Join us in this solemn act of solidarity and hope with our sisters and brothers, the world over, seeking safety, peace, and a place to [...]


Why We’re Called to #Pray4Refugees We live in a time when an unprecedented 68.5 million people are displaced around the world, including more than 25 million refugees - the highest number in recorded history. With [...]

In Between

Hi there, Hometown listeners! Allison and Kendall are back for a short mid-season pod episode - to give you updates on what’s happening with the refugee resettlement program and to share some opportunities to join [...]

Speaking Truth

#RoyalWedding Preacher reprise - Before Presiding Bishop Curry was known around the world as the Royal Wedding Preacher, he, of course, was - and is! - the beloved Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. Months [...]

Drop Your Anchor

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club. This is the last episode in Season 1! Stay subscribed - we’ll release special episodes throughout the summer, including from [...]

Reflection by the Rev. Canon Dr. Michael Barlowe

Wow! This section of the Acts of the Apostles is fast-paced enough for a remake of “Indiana Jones.”  St. Paul seems to be in constant motion, moving from one place to another, encountering one challenge [...]

How Are You Called?

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Acts 21:27—Acts 27:12. Reflection author This week’s reflection comes from The Rev. [...]

Reflection by the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings

One day in Philippi, the apostle Paul and his fellow missionary Silas got thrown in jail. They had ordered the spirit of divination to leave a young enslaved woman, and as a result, her owners’ [...]

Reflection by the Rev. Canon Charles. K. Robertson, Ph.D.

Bosnian-born author Aleksandar Hemon was on a visit to Chicago in 1992 when war broke out and a siege began in his hometown of Sarajevo.  His vacation suddenly and indefinitely extended, the tourist-turned-refugee worked hard [...]

Put Prayer Into Action

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Acts 16:16-Acts 21:26 Reflection author This week’s reflection comes from The Rev. [...]

Children of a Refugee

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Acts 13:13-Acts 16:15 Reflection author This week’s reflection author is The Rev. [...]

What Are You Willing to Risk?

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Acts 10:17-Acts 13:12. Reflection author This week’s reflection author is Julia Ayala [...]

Reflection by the Rev. Christopher Bishop

A reflection on Acts 7:1-10:16 In 2015, I met a young woman named Lina, living with her family in an Internally Displaced Persons Camp in Erbil, Kurdistan, after they were driven from their home in [...]

A Home for All of Us

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club. This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Acts 7:1 - Acts 10:16 Reflection author This week’s reflection author is [...]

Reflection by the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers

There are any number of provocative stories and images tucked into chapters 4 and 5 of Acts. I’d like to dwell for a moment with Acts 4:32-Acts 5:11. Specifically, with these lines: “There was not [...]

Once Upon a Time…

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Acts 4:23 - Acts 6 Reflection author This week’s reflection author is [...]

New Life

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Acts 1:1-Acts 4:22 Reflection author This week’s reflection author is The Rev. [...]

Holy Week Action Alert

SPECIAL: Check out this special bonus episode of the Hometown podcast featuring an action alert from Lacy Broemel, Refugee and Immigration Policy Advisor for the Office of Government Relations.

Precious Lord

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Luke 22:47 through the end of Luke’s Gospel. This week’s reflection author [...]

Running for Home

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Luke 18:18-Luke 22:46 On this week’s episode, we reflect on scripture, discuss the [...]

Lost and Found

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Luke 15:1-Luke 18:17 On this week’s episode, we reflect on scripture, learn [...]

Meet Abraham Mwinda

Abraham Mwinda is a San Diego, CA based Congolese born, Kenyan raised singer, songwriter and rapper from Lexington, Kentucky. He hopes to make a difference, and bring positive change in the world one song at [...]

Where is home?

  Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Luke 4:14 - Luke 7 Welcome to Episode 2 of Hometown! [...]

“The Archangel Gabriel”

In honor of our first episode of Hometown, we invite you to learn more about "The Archangel Gabriel" by Sheila Diemert. This piece was used as part of our social media graphics to promote Hometown. [...]

Hope Overcoming Fear

Reflection on Luke 1:1 – 4:13 By The Rev. Laurie Brock Fear makes its appearance quite early and rather frequently in the Gospel of Luke. We first meet fear as Zechariah offers incense in the [...]

Welcome to Hometown!

Hometown is a podcast from Episcopal Migration Ministries and is part of the Good Book Club.  This week’s Good Book Club scripture readings: Luke 1- Luke 4:13 Welcome to Hometown! On the debut episode, we [...]

Advent IV – 2017

“The angel said to Mary, …‘nothing will be impossible with God.’…Then Mary said, ‘…Let it be with me according to your word.’”  (Luke 1:37-38) In the past few weeks I was given the gift of [...]

Advent III – 2017

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thess 5:16-18) My wife and I have a Border Collie named Franklin. [...]

Advent II – 2017

“The Lord… is patient... (Therefore) what sort of persons ought you to be in leading lives of holiness and godliness?” (2 Peter 3:9,11) Patience is a hard thing for some of us. When we know [...]

Introduction to HomeTown

Join Allison Duvall and Kendall Martin of Episcopal Migration Ministries, the refugee resettlement ministry of the Episcopal Church, for an introduction to HomeTown, a podcast featuring voices from across the US, the Episcopal Church, and [...]

Advent I – 2017

“Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.” (Mark 13:33) As we begin the season of Advent and prepare for the coming of Christmas, we are reminded by scripture that [...]

A Statement on Refugee Admissions for FY 2018

28 September 2017 The Administration has reported to Congress that their intent is to set the refugee admissions ceiling for the coming year at 45,000 persons, a cap that is not only the lowest in [...]

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